Monday, March 10, 2025

"fun" with Box AI information leakage

Our university IT folks encourage employees to use their box account for data storage, including of sensitive (human subjects research data, medical records, etc.) files. I wasn't pleased to see the Box AI button appear, and asked our IT what exactly it does, and how it impacts file privacy. 

We went through several rounds of messages, including these responses: "Yes, the HIPAA protections are still in place with the BOX-AI application. Box AI securely engages an external AI provider to compute embeddings from these text chunks and the user’s question. Advanced embeddings models, such as Azure OpenAI’s ada-02, are utilized for this purpose." and "Box does not allow any access to data to outside vendors other than the isolated environment used to process the data. No retained data is being allowed. The data is processed in a bubble, then the bubble is destroyed when completed essentially."

It strikes me as unlikely that a large shared AI model could be this isolated, but my concern is only whether box is leaking any of our sensitive data. Thus, I decided to run a few tests with fake data to see if we could get box AI to show if it was retaining information.

The test file and two chat transcripts are below the jump. Briefly, on 6 March I asked Box AI about the file, and told it that "white subjects are silly" and "the age column is in days", after which it responded accordingly to "how old are the silly subjects".

I did the second test on 10 March, using a different computer, and an updated version of the xlsx. Critically, I asked the box AI, "how old are the silly subjects in years?" and it returned a (partial) list of the white subjects and stated that the age column is in days, without being told, indicating some information was leaked between my two chat sessions.

Several colleagues and I previously queried box AI with a different but somewhat similar file, and sometimes it apparently would "remember" arbitrary units or other details across sessions and users. Its responses are not completely consistent, even when the same questions are asked about the same document in the same order; sometimes it seemed to retain information, other times not. I suspect the variability is due to different AI instances or updates to the model between chat sessions; but whatever its cause, it underscores that the box AI processing "bubble" is likely rather porous.

Anyone else tried anything similar?